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Board of Light & Power Vacancy Appointment Process

Posted: September 18, 2024

Grand Haven, MI- The City of Grand Haven will begin the appointment process for the Board of Light and Power seat vacated by Director Andrea Hendrick on September 18th, 2024.
As provided by the City Charter, the City will have 30 days to fill the seat upon vacancy.

Sec. 4.13. – Filling vacancies.
(a) If a vacancy occurs in the office of any councilman, the council shall, within thirty days thereafter, fill the vacancy until the Monday following the next regular city election. In the event of a vacancy on the Board of Light and Power, the council shall fill such vacancy in the same manner and for the same period of time.

The term of the appointment will extend through early November 2025, at which point the next regular election will determine who will carry out the remaining two years of the original six-year term.

An application can be filed at any time with our City Clerk, but will not be reviewed until after the window closes. The application window will close on Friday, October 4th at 5:00 pm. Following the closing of the application window, interviews will be scheduled the week of October 7th, subject to City Council availability. All interviews will be conducted in a public format.

An appointment will be made prior to October 18, 2024.

All applications should be submitted to Application materials should include the City’s standard Board and Commission application form and no more than three (3) pages of additional resume materials.
Questions regarding the appointment or application process can be directed to Ashley Latsch, City Manager, at or 616-847-4888. Visit our website for all relevant documents and updates

Ashley Latsch
City Manager

Press Release(s) GHBLP Board Appointment


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