Landlord Information
The Grand Haven Board of Light & Power would like to identify rental properties and offer to the property owner a shutoff protection program.

Three types of services are offered:
READ: This option would automatically transfer service to the property owner or designated property management’s name when a tenant contacts the Grand Haven Board of Light & Power to have service discontinued unless a new tenant is moving in at the same time.
ALL SHUTOFFS: Property owners or designated property management agents may elect to have service transferred to their name if the service is to be disconnected for any reason, including non-payment.
SEAL: Service at the property is sealed when a tenant requests service to be disconnected. Services will remain off until a new tenant requests service or the property owner or designated property management agent gives further instruction.
Please use the Landlord Protection Plan form to list rental properties serviced by the Grand Haven Board of Light & Power (including unit and/or apartment numbers) and check the type of shutoff protection applicable to each. Only one option can be selected per property.
NOTE: Any changes in property ownership/property management agent must be reported immediately to our office. If you fail to update this information, you will be responsible for all charges incurred until updates are made.