Coal Combustion Residuals Compliance

Renew Harbor Island Program

In 2022, the City of Grand Haven took over the site management with the Renew Harbor Island program. Records of compliance activities can be found by visiting the City of Grand Haven's Renew Harbor Island website at: Renew Harbor Island - Library 


Records maintained prior to the Renew Harbor Island program can be found below.

Groundwater Monitoring: CCR Annual Groundwater Monitoring Reports

Groundwater Monitoring Compliance Information

Water Monitoring: Other-1st Surface Water Evaluation

Annual Reports: Fugitive Dust Control

Legal page (12)


Closure of Units 1/2 will continue following results of groundwater flow study completion, expanded monitoring well network has been approved and implemented, groundwater testing of the expanded network has been conducted, and results analyzed during the calendar year 2022. Expanded unit boundaries agreed to in January 2021, the discovery of PFAS in June 2021, and the results of the north channel investigation may change the original closure plan strategy.