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Board of Light & Power’s Sims Power Plant Offline

Wednesday, February 6, 2019, Grand Haven– The Board of Light & Power’s J.B. Sims Generating Station on Harbor Island was taken offline the evening of Tuesday, February 5, 2019 at 9:26 PM due to a piping failure.

Power Supply Manager Erik Booth reported, “Plant staff did an excellent job of taking immediate action to respond and safely bring the plant down. The point of failure has been located and is currently being repaired. Once repairs have been made and tested, BLP staff will evaluate bringing the plant back online.”

Renee Molyneux, BLP Spokesperson stated, “There have been no outages as a result of taking Sims offline. The outages experienced the morning of February 6th were a result of the ice storm, which impacted the BLP’s distribution system.”

Grand Haven’s snowmelt system heat is currently being supplied by the plant’s auxiliary  boiler.


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