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2020 Wood Pole Inspection Program starting in September

Osmose Utilities Services, a contractor for Grand Haven Board of Light & Power, will be performing system-wide wood pole integrity inspections from September through December 2020.

The process involves hammering, drilling, and digging around poles. To complete the inspections, crews may need access to your property. Any Contractor working for GHBLP will be able to identify themselves.

Questions? Please contact GHBLP Customer Account Representatives at 616-846-6250 or

We appreciate your assistance with our wood pole inspection program.


survey cover photo of people on laptops, Grand Haven BLP to seek community feedback

Grand Haven BLP to Seek Community Feedback on Utility Services and Future Planning

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American Public Power Association Honors Grand Haven BLP for Providing Mutual Aid in Florida

Winners of the lighting contest

BLP Announces Winners of Holiday Lighting Contest

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