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Environmental Clean Up at Harbor Island – Free Virtual Event

Environmental Clean-Up: The conditions and opportunities of Harbor Island

Date: Tuesday, 2/9/21
Time: 7:00 PM

Topic Overview

In preparation for the 2018 decision to schedule J.B. Sims for closure, Grand Haven Board of Light and Power hired Golder Associates, a nationally recognized environmental engineering firm, to evaluate and recommend the appropriate closure of the coal ash handling impoundments along with other associated environmental issues that may arise in the demolition of the plant and the necessary remediation of the Sims site. Golder has extensive experience with environmental remediation and mitigation projects in Michigan and across the nation, including many coal-fired facilities much larger than Sims.

The approach to environmental remediation at the former Sims site is complicated by a history of mixed uses on the island. This community engagement event will create an opportunity to understand the many factors involved at the site and get answers about the recommended remediation strategy. The presentation will conclude with a Q&A session with the presenters.

Key Points Covered

  • What is the history of Harbor island?
  • What research has been done on the environmental impacts?
  • What is a mixing zone?
  • Why not completely remediate GHBLP’s site?
  • What risks are associated with remediation?
  • What is the recommended plan going forward?


Erik Booth, Grand Haven Board of Light and Power
Tiffany Johnson, Dawn Prell, and Carolyn Powrozek, Golder Associates

Register for Event


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