ghblp-building-night (1)

Board Approves FY2022 Budget and 5-year Capital Improvement Plan

The approved rate reduction reduces overall retail charges to all customer classes per kWh by about 0.8%. Overall residential charges will remain unchanged, however, about 60% of residential customers will experience a slight increase in their average monthly bills, and about 40% of customers will experience a slightly larger decrease in their monthly bills depending on how they use their power consistent with the BLP’s cost of service determinations. Commercial and industrial customers will see an overall reduction in charges of about 1.2% in total, but some will see modest increases and others will see larger decreases.

Continue reading the 2022 BLP energy rate guide


Copy of When BLP utility workers show up to your house, we will have identifiable uniforms and trucks with a big BLP emblem visible. Don’t let scammers trick you or scare you! The BLP is always av (2)


Copy of When BLP utility workers show up to your house, we will have identifiable uniforms and trucks with a big BLP emblem visible. Don’t let scammers trick you or scare you! The BLP is always av (1)


Untitled design (57)

GHBLP General Manager Search Summary of Semi-Finalists

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