GHBLP 2021 Customer Satisfaction Survey Shows Improvement

GreatBlue Research presented results of the Grand Haven Board of Light & Power (GHBLP) 2021 Customer Satisfaction Survey to GHBLP directors on Thursday evening. The findings showed improvement across key organizational indicators for both residential and commercial customer ratings.

“2021’s ratings represent the hard work and dedication of our GHBLP staff over the past year,” said Board Chair Larry Kieft. “We’re grateful for our customer’s participation and honest feedback. The survey outlines our success and also shows us where we can continue to improve.”

GreatBlue Research conducted the surveys through telephone screenings of 203 residential and 51 commercial BLP customers to test a variety of indicators such as “communicating with customers,” “maintaining modern and reliable infrastructure” and “overall satisfaction.” For 2021, GHBLP received increased positive ratings in several organizational characteristics. This yielded an overall satisfaction rating of 87.1% (6.4 percentage points above 2020) for residential customers and 92% (13 percentage points above 2020) for commercial customers.

Areas of greatest improvement for residential customers included “maintaining modern and reliable infrastructure” and “providing good services and value for the cost of electricity.” For commercial customers, “helping customers use less electricity” and “being open and honest about company operations and policies” reported the largest increases. The survey also outlined opportunities for growth and education in SmartHub usage, participation in renewable energy programs, and customer desire for expansions in renewable power supply.

“It’s encouraging to see progress in areas where we’ve invested time and energy to make improvements through infrastructure upgrades, engaging with our customers, and keeping service rates affordable,” said General Manager David Walters. “As a municipal, community-owned utility, we believe it is important to reevaluate annually so we may continue to improve the service and value we provide based on our community’s feedback.”

2021 Customer Satisfaction Study 



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