2020-09-02 Ranger Power Solar 125-min (1)

Plugged In SPECIAL EDITION – Growing in Sustainability

Over the past decade, the Grand Haven Board of Light and Power, in partnership with local businesses and residents, has consistently exceeded our sustainability goals. We have expanded our renewables portfolio and helped significantly optimize and reduce energy usage – implementing a balanced approach that is both environmentally and fiscally responsible. Great progress has been made and our plans are to continue this journey to ensure a reliable, affordable, and sustainable energy future for our community.

Energy Optimization & Waste Reduction
Small steps taken consistently can make a big impact

The GHBLP contracts with Franklin Energy through the Michigan Public Power Agency to provide programs that help customers cut down on energy consumption. Over the course of the past 12 years, this cumulative effect has saved over 30,000,000 kilowatt hours per year. This equates to millions of dollars saved annually and significant environmentally sustainable results that our community can be proud of.

Diversifying with Renewable Energy Projects

Additionally, the GHBLP began implementing renewable resource energy projects within our power supply portfolio with the introduction of landfill gas resources in 2010. While the Environmental Protection Agency still considers landfill gas a renewable resource, the GHBLP has not incorporated any new landfill gas projects and has instead opted to bring wind and solar projects into our power supply portfolio which has grown substantially since we began this journey.

Continue reading the full Special Edition – March Plugged-In



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