Magna Mirrors 1

2021 Commercial & Industrial Brochure

The GHBLP’S Energy Smart Program makes it easy and more affordable for Commercial & Industrial businesses to reduce energy consumption and overall electric charges. The Energy Smart Program provides rebates for qualifying prescriptive and custom energy-saving updates. Whether you run a restaurant, small shop, retail store, or large industrial business, the BLP can help you gain a competitive advantage through energy-efficient improvements.

Pictured below left to right, Rick Peterson, Master Electrician, and Kristopher Krepps, Maintenance Manager for Magna Mirror North America accepting the Energy-Efficiency rebate check.

Read how Engine Power Components, Grand Haven/Spring Lake Sewer Authority, Magna Mirrors North America, and Cooper Standard earned big rebates for their energy efficient projects through GHBLP’s Energy Smart Program.

Commercial & Industrial Energy Waste Reduction Brochure



survey cover photo of people on laptops, Grand Haven BLP to seek community feedback

Grand Haven BLP to Seek Community Feedback on Utility Services and Future Planning

Close up

American Public Power Association Honors Grand Haven BLP for Providing Mutual Aid in Florida

Winners of the lighting contest

BLP Announces Winners of Holiday Lighting Contest