Copy of Mail Chimp Cover for October 2023 (2)

Shining More Light on GHBLP!

The GHBLP Board and management have efficiently and effectively operated your public electric utility.


The GHBLP is one of the most reliable public power utilities in the country.

Investments in our electrical distribution system have allowed GHBLP to perform significantly better than state and national averages when it comes to overall system reliability. The frequency and duration of power interruptions have decreased dramatically over the last several years.


Renewable energy efforts have improved significantly.

Closing the J.B. Sims coal-fired power plant reduced local carbon emissions by 290,000 tons annually. The GHBLP has increased its use of renewable energy from 9.4% in
2019 of its total power supply portfolio to 24% in 2023 and is projected to reach 28% by 2025.


Rates have been reduced, saving our customers money.

Moving to a diversified power supply portfolio has allowed GHBLP to reduce rates multiple times over the past six years. This has significantly improved our competitiveness, and average GHBLP residential rates are now more than 25% less expensive than a nearby competing utility.


Sound financial management has yielded tremendous returns.

GHBLP has recently made over $14 million in transmission and substation investments, which eases the fiscal burden on future electric rates. A total of $25 million has been expensed to cover the demolition of the power plant and environmental remediation. Utility employee pensions are almost fully funded, which protects our ratepayers from costly unfunded liabilities going forward.


The GHBLP is delivering strong results for our customers!


survey cover photo of people on laptops, Grand Haven BLP to seek community feedback

Grand Haven BLP to Seek Community Feedback on Utility Services and Future Planning

Close up

American Public Power Association Honors Grand Haven BLP for Providing Mutual Aid in Florida

Winners of the lighting contest

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