News & Information

Addressing Misunderstandings around Redevelopment, the Bond Proposal and Long Term Rates
The BLP understands and agrees with the core desire of local businesses and residents that affordable rates are critical to the economic success of our community. We have worked hard to engage and inform our customers about how affordability has been a principal goal in our planning, but we understand there are still a few misunderstandings around the impact of...

Board Approves Sims Site Redevelopment Project and Up to $50 Million Bond for Site Demolition, Remediation & Redevelopment Plan
The Grand Haven Board of Light & Power (GHBLP) has approved the Sims site redevelopment project and sale of 20-year utility system revenue bonds up to $50 million at Thursday’s meeting. Aligning with GHBLP’s recently approved strategic plan and 5-year capital improvement plan, these bonds will pay for the cost of the Sims plant demolition, recent substation and infrastructure improvements,...

GHBLP Approves Sims Site Redevelopment Project and up to $50 Million for Site Demolition Remediation Redevelopment Plan
Thursday, June 17, 2021, | Grand Haven, MI — The Grand Haven Board of Light & Power (GHBLP) has approved the Sims site redevelopment project and sale of 20-year utility system revenue bonds up to $50 million at Thursday’s meeting. Aligning with GHBLP’s recently approved strategic plan and 5-year capital improvement plan, these bonds will pay for the cost of...

GHBLP Reports Results of Additional Contamination Sampling on Sims Site
Grand Haven Board of Light and Power (GHBLP) officials have discovered regulated PFAS and other chemical contamination at the former J.B. Sims site on Harbor Island. GHBLP staff reported these findings to the board and the public on Thursday night. PFAS was identified through additional contamination sampling conducted in preparation for further closure work of the site’s defined coal ash...

The Financial Reality of Redeveloping Property Created from Our Trash and Ash
Long before GHBLP’s presence on Harbor Island, this area served as the City’s dump. Most of the site consists of layers of trash and coal ash dumped prior to the environmental awakening of the 1970s. Consequently, the demolition of the Sims Power Plant, environmental remediation, and redevelopment of the property represents a significant responsibility and millions in expense for our...

The Financial Reality of Redeveloping Property Created from Our Trash and Ash
Long before GHBLP’s presence on Harbor Island, this area served as the City’s dump. Most of the site consists of layers of trash and coal ash dumped prior to the environmental awakening of the 1970s. Consequently, the demolition of the Sims Power Plant, environmental remediation and redevelopment of the property represents a significant responsibility and millions in expense for our...

Business Q&A with The Chamber
To help local businesses and other stakeholders gain a stronger understanding of Grand Haven BLP's future energy plans, Joy Gaasch, president of the The Chamber, sat down for an interview with Erik Booth, Power Supply Manager at GHBLP. Topics include rate planning and stability, power supply diversification, snow melt and the financial realities of remediating and redeveloping the utility's...

GHBLP Approves FY2022 Budget, 5-Year Capital Improvement Plan
The Grand Haven Board of Light and Power (GHBLP) has approved a FY2022 budget and 5-year capital improvement plan that includes redevelopment plans for Harbor Island and an overall rate reduction. “In alignment with our new strategic plan, this is a solid budget that will get us kicked off for redevelopment at Harbor Island and fund other critical improvements across...

GHBLP Approves FY2022 Budget, 5-Year Capital Improvement Plan
The Grand Haven Board of Light and Power (GHBLP) has approved an FY2022 budget and 5-year capital improvement plan that includes redevelopment plans for Harbor Island and an overall rate reduction. “In alignment with our new strategic plan, this is a solid budget that will get us kicked off for redevelopment at Harbor Island and fund other critical improvements across...

Grand Haven Energy Organization: What is it?
Disambiguation of Grand Haven Energy Organization and Grand Haven Board of Light & Power Recently, some of our customers have asked about the nature of the Grand Haven Energy Organization. This is likely because the group’s name sounds a bit like the name of a public electric utility. In the post that follows, we’ll help distinguish between the Grand Haven...