News & Information

Video: Designs for Harbor Island Redevelopment | 02/23/2021
Hosted from 7:00p to 8:30p on Feb 23, 2021, this community engagement meeting featured a brief presentation from GHBLP and Progressive AE on the sustainable design plans for redeveloping the former JB Sims coal plant site at Harbor Island. The video also features over an hour of Q&A content as David Walters and Erik Booth from GHBLP, and David...

Grand Haven Board of Light & Power Shares Redevelopment Designs for Harbor Island Site
Harbor Island Site Redevelopment On the heels of Grand Haven’s coal-fired power plant demolition, Grand Haven Board of Light & Power (GHBLP) has shared designs for redevelopment at the site, including a future Operations and Technical Center with combined heat and power (CHP) generation. At a virtual meeting on Tuesday night, GHBLP staff and Progressive AE, the design firm chosen...

Harbor Island System Design – A Free Virtual Event
System Design: A system that works for Grand Haven residents & our snowmelt system Date: Tuesday, 2/23/21 Time: 7:00 PM Overview Topic Grand Haven Board of Light and Power’s (GHBLP) plans for an operations and technology center, including combined heat and power generation, at the Harbor Island site are strategic and cost-effective, taking advantage of existing distribution infrastructure and proximity to...

BLP Energy – Outstanding Service at a Great Price
Community Owned & Locally Controlled Grand Haven is extremely fortunate to own and operate a municipal electric system. The service response times are fast, the system is very reliable and is improving as new investments are made into system components and technology. The utility employees are hometown people who treat their customers like the friends and family that they are. What sometimes...

BLP Energy – Outstanding Service at a Great Price
Community Owned & Locally Controlled Grand Haven is extremely fortunate to own and operate a municipal electric system. The service response times are fast, the system is very reliable and is improving as new investments are made into system components and technology. The utility employees are hometown people who treat their customers like the friends and family that they are. What sometimes...

Open Transparent Operations
Transparency & the Role of a Community-Owned Utility One of the things I value most about working for the Grand Haven Board of Light & Power is the high priority we place on openness and transparency in how we conduct our business. In fact, as one 2,000 public power utilities across the nation, we are required to operate with the...

Video: Environmental Clean Up at GHBLP’s Harbor Island Site
For those who were not able to attend live, this community engagement event was hosted on Feb 9, 2021 and featured panel members from Golder Associates and Grand Haven Board of Light & Power.

Open Transparent Operations
Transparency & the Role of a Community-Owned Utility One of the things I value most about working for the Grand Haven Board of Light & Power is the high priority we place on openness and transparency in how we conduct our business. In fact, as one 2,000 public power utilities across the nation, we are required to operate with the...

2021 Commercial & Industrial Brochure
The GHBLP’S Energy Smart Program makes it easy and more affordable for Commercial & Industrial businesses to reduce energy consumption and overall electric charges. The Energy Smart Program provides rebates for qualifying prescriptive and custom energy-saving updates. Whether you run a restaurant, small shop, retail store, or large industrial business, the BLP can help you gain a competitive advantage through...

Video: Understanding a Diversified Power Supply Portfolio
On Jan 26th, 2021, GHBLP hosted a virtual community engagement event to educate, listen and answer questions on the topic of a diversified power portfolio. Video of event was recorded through zoom, and we have uploaded here for community members who were not able to attend live. Presenters: Patrick Bowland, Michigan Public Power Agency (MPPA) CEO & General ManagerDave...