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Board approves Fiscal Year 2021 budget, resets Power Cost Adjustment to Zero

GHBLP’s Board of Directors adopted a business plan for Fiscal Year 2021 at its May 21, 2020 meeting, which is comprised of the annual budget and long-term capital improvement plan. Base customer rates have been held constant in the budget since July 1, 2016, and will remain so in the Fiscal Year 2021. Purchase power costs are passed on directly to customers through the Power Cost Adjustment (PCA). The PCA is being set to zero for Fiscal Year 2021 to accommodate fixed costs moving to rolling costs during the utility’s transition process. The PCA will resume in July 2021.

Continue reading the 2021 BLP energy rate guide


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GHBLP General Manager Search Summary of Semi-Finalists


Public Notice of Board Meeting June 20, 2024

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