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Residential Rebates

GHBLP is working with Franklin Energy to facilitate our residential program. Click below for the 2025 Application or call Franklin Energy at 1-877-674-7281 with any questions.


Green Energy Program

Looking for ways to make your electricity more environmentally friendly? With our Green Energy Program, GHBLP will purchase additional renewable energy credits from sources like wind and solar. That means your utility payments directly support the generation of more renewable energy on the grid.

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Commercial & Industrial Programs & Rebates

GHBLP is working with Franklin Energy to facilitate our Commercial & Industrial retrofit program. Click below for the 2025 Application or call Franklin Energy at 1-877-674-7281 with any questions.

Commercial & Industrial Energy Waste Reduction Brochure  

Appliance Recycling Program

You can recycle that old, inefficient refrigerator or freezer for FREE.
You will save money and earn a rebate!

We have partnered with Michigan Energy Options, to provide BLP customers with a refrigerator/freezer recycling program.
Call 1-866-341-8729 to schedule a pickup. You will receive a $50.00 rebate for qualifying refrigerators and freezers and an extra $15.00 for window air conditioners and dehumidifiers that are picked up along with a refrigerator. All refrigerators and freezers must be at least 10 cubic feet and in working conditions. 

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Electric Vehicles

There's never been a better time to invest in electric vehicles. There are now over 175 models of electric vehicles on the road and automotive manufacturers are aggressively investing in EV technologies and rolling out new models with greater range each year.

Discover ways to reduce the cost of purchasing and operating an electric vehicle.  Purchase and install a qualifying Level 2 (240V) charging station at your home and receive up to $500 or for your business and receive up to a $2000 incentive.*

*Must be a Level 2 Charger(and/or level 3 charger for commercial). It must be 240 volts and hard-wired. Must have wi-fi connectivity. Subject to funding availability.

Contact the Energy Smart program today for more information at 1-877-674-7281 or energysmart@franklinenergy.com.

Energy Waste Reduction & Renewable Energy

2025 Renewable Energy Plan Submittal to MPSC

MPSC Case File U-16613: Grand Haven Board of Light and Power

MPSC – Renewable Energy & Energy Waste Reduction Programs

Renewable Energy

Energy Waste Reduction